


In the shadow of century-old oak

Metamorphosis of roses
Grandma's scrapbook


Sandra said...

Merci beaucoup de ton passge c'est très sympa

Land of shimp said...

Okay, so this is potentially embarrassing as I don't speak any Dutch, to the extent that I'm not sure the subtitles are in Dutch, but I think they are.

Of course, looking up at the above comment, I recognize French.

Well, here's hoping you will forgive me my inability to correctly identify your language. I'm assuming that you'd have found my blog via Carolina's. I'm sorry I lived up the American stereotype of only being fluent in one language :-)

Neat videos, I've been looking through your blog for a little bit. I really like this video. I like the visual compression. Is it possible to add in a compression from another direction? I'm woefully inadequate in all things technological, but what I mean is if you are working with up and down, could you also do a side-to-side? It's just a visually engaging short as it is, and a sense of greater dimension might be added.

I also really liked the shots you used on a video a page back (with the techno music). That shot of the field and fence in the mist is lovely.

Michèle A-B said...

Un sympathique montage pour cette rose jaune, pour ce soleil chez les fleurs