


Come a long, hot summer...

With this beautiful photograph of the Austrian Alps, I greet all of you. Thank you shared with me some of their joy, their moments of curiosity, and their free time. You were great friends. I remember you only good. And ... God willing we will be here again to find somewhere in the autumn
Your grandma's scrapbook!

Photos taken with the last post, on my journey, Europe. Namely, Austria and Germany. The first pictures of the last post was "a fountain" from the beautiful German city of Stuttgart. Thank you all, and see you as I said, in autumn


✿France✿ said...

un très beau paysage une belle photo chez toi encore. QUEL plaisir

✿France✿ said...

un très beau paysage une belle photo chez toi encore. QUEL plaisir

Kavita Saharia said...

Wow ,this place is so beautiful and serene.Thanks for sharing.

Tête de l'Art said...

Pretty mountainzs! good week end!!

claude said...

Hello Steven !
in 1998 my husband and I went to Austria with our camping-car to join our german Friends who were in holidays over there.
We stood near a great lake in a mountains landscapes. It is a very beautiful place. A lot of flowers hung at the windows of the wooden houses.

Giulia said...

Good Morning, Steve.
You offer us a beautiful landscape, I love mountains.
Thank you and see you later.

✿France✿ said...

Bonjour et encore merci de ta visite
je te souhaite une bonne journée

✿France✿ said...

Bonjour je viens aussi te dire bonjour
J'espère que tout va bien pour toi
BISE et bonne journée

✿France✿ said...

Je viens te dire bonjour et je regarde aussi ta photo qui est superbe.Ici il pleut donc je vais fermer l'ordi un petit instant
Passe une douce journée bise

✿France✿ said...

Merci merci alors comment vas tu?
as tu du beau soleilcheztoi?

Shrinky said...

I would love to see these Alpine villages, hopefully one day soon. It looks such a beautiful place, your photograph is stunning. Hope you are enjoying the summer.